
The next Liverpool Raw potluck is 1pm-3pm Sunday 25th September 2011 at the lovely Mello Mello:

What is a potluck?

It's basically a food share. Each person brings a dish of raw vegan food to contribute to a buffet to share with everyone.

Raw food - WTF?!

‘Raw’ food = food in its original, unprocessed state, that has not been heated above 40-41 degrees Celsius/115 degrees Fahrenheit – thus the life force in the food is preserved, along with the enzymes found in the food that aid digestion and do not rob the body of enzymes needed for digestion. 

Raw food includes: fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts & seeds, raw nut butters, "live" sauerkraut, sprouted grains, or other seeds.

‘Vegan’ food = food that has not been in any way connected with animals

Who should come to this potluck?

Everyone is welcome. Anyone of any age or background – families welcome.

Complete beginners who are totally new to raw food

Anyone with an interest in health

Anyone who wants to feel happier and have more energy

Anyone who is interested in incorporating a little more healthy, fresh food into their diet

Anyone interested in meeting new people

Experienced raw foodies who want to meet people with similar interests and expand their knowledge and support network

Ok. So what shall I bring?

 A lovingly prepared dish that is 100% raw and vegan and preferably organic. Nothing cooked, and no animal products please. If you are really new to this, feel free to ask us for suggestions or just bring some cut-up organic fruit, veggies or your favorite vegan salad.

If you are feeling a little more adventurous check out some recipes on the internet – just type in ‘raw food recipes’ - decide whether you want to do nibbles, a savoury dish or a dessert and chose your favourite.

A bowl of washed organic baby greens or any chopped greens such as lettuce or kale.

A platter of washed organic crudités such as baby carrots, mangetout, sugarsnap peas, cauliflower and broccoli florets.

A bowl of homemade guacamole.

A salad with a simple dressing made in the blender.


A raw gazpacho or other cold soup made in the blender


Please try to use organic ingredients where possible. If it is not all organic then no problem, just mention it on your ingredients card

If you use oils (e.g. extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, seed oil, flax oil) try to ensure they are cold-pressed. Remember, most commercial oils are heated.

A little balsamic vinegar is fine to use.

Fruit and vegetables should be fresh rather than frozen or from a tin.

Even many nuts and grains are not raw due to heat during processing. Non-salted raw nuts and seeds are perfect (can usually only be bought online)

Remember we try to make it vegan as well so try to use other sweeteners than raw honey. If you do use honey then make it very clear on your recipe card.

No meat

No dairy

A raw-vegan dish contains no animal products and no cooked ingredients.

Vegan means no animal products such as dairy, eggs, honey, and fish.

Please be sure that all fruits and vegetables have been properly washed and are ready to be enjoyed as is.

If you are bringing fruit, we especially welcome seasonal, locally grown & organic or at least pesticide-free fruit that have been picked when ripe. Sometimes such fruit can be found at farmers’ markets.

Citrus can provide a great alternative to vinegar.

Food and beverages that have been pasteurized are not raw.

Do I need to bring anything else?

Please provide a quick list of ingredients on a small card to place next to your dish. Indicate what is and is not organic. In addition to helping all of us make informed food choices, such a list is a great tool to stimulate conversation about wonderful food.

Bring your food ready to be served – any kind of bowl or platter is fine with utensils to serve it

Pad and paper to write down recipes, tips, recommendations and contact details of new people you meet

Storage tub – in case there are leftovers to take home!


Want to know more about raw food?

Local shops to buy organic fruit and veg/raw ingredients:

Windmill Organic Wholefoods, Smithdown Road:

Matta’s International Food, Bold Street:

International Food Market, Smithdown Road

Farmers’ markets:

Websites to buy specialist raw food ingredients including superfoods:

Detox Your World: 

Raw Living:

Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like some inspiration about what food to bring.